Within M Sarang, our committee values its members to be knitted and devoted to community, Loving our neighbor as ourselves as commanded in Mark 12:31. Our committee members are Dedicated to value their personal relationship and intimacy with God, as well as their relationships with one another and their families.
M Sarang is spiritually under Sarang Community Church, working together with Sarang OMD (Overseas Mission Development).
To fulfill the Great commission. and to make whole hearted disciples of all the
nations, as stated in Matthew 28.
Firstly, by being a Spirit-filled community of wholesome disciples. Secondly, through supporting pre-existing or establishing new independent missionaries and global mission groups by means of financial and volunteer support. Thirdly, through actively igniting and promoting mission movements via educating. training. mobilizing. and sending well equipped disciples.
our committee values its members to be knitted and devoted to community, loving our neighbor as ourselves as commanded in Mark 12:31.
Our initial primary focus are the children and youth, teaching them their identity in Christ, and equipping them with the knowledge of God’s written word, to disciple others as they have been discipled.